The Science of Healthy Aging

A Q&A Session with Novex Biotech Lead Researcher, Janelle Gibbs
What was your team’s approach when formulating GF-9?
We were very interested in the effect hormones have on the body, and particularly their association with the aging process. The more research we did, the more we realized that a hormone, often referred to as a youth hormone, played a huge role in many aging processes. At that time, the most effective way to boost this hormone was using a synthetic version of it, which was very costly and could potentially cause problems. We began working with some of the top researchers in the country to develop a formula that could naturally boost this hormone.
What is youth hormone?
It’s a peptide hormone, also called human growth hormone, that’s made naturally in the body, in the pituitary gland.
If our bodies produce this youth hormone, why do we need more of it?
Our natural production of this critical hormone peaks in our 20s, then begins to decline dramatically. Many experts believe it’s the key to combatting aging, so having a formula that can boost it to more youthful levels, naturally, has been a gamechanger for thousands of our customers.
What does youth hormone do in the body?
Youth hormone is released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland and travels throughout the body. It passes into your fat cells and can actually cause them to shrink. It enters your muscle cells, stimulating lean muscle growth. When it reaches the skin it maintains healthy blood flow, ramps up collagen production, and strengthens the underlying substructure of the skin’s critical architecture, keeping your skin firm, tight, and smooth.
Why do you think your youth-hormone-boosting formula has become popular with so many men?
Rather than introducing a synthetic hormone into the body, our complex targets the pituitary gland, encouraging it to produce youth hormone at levels you may have experienced in your 20s or 30s.
There are a lot of anti-aging supplements on the market. Why should men trust the Novex Biotech formulas?
Our formulas are backed by 25 years of research, with 4 clinical trials and 15 patents on the youth-hormone-boosting GF-9.